L’huile de noix de coco peut-elle aider le phimosis

Can coconut oil help phimosis

Chances are you know a person or two who rely on coconut oil to help cure phimosis. Or maybe you're considering including it in your phimosis treatment plan. Regardless, it is common to wonder whether extra virgin coconut oil for phimosis can help you get rid of this medical condition and change your life for the better.

Only extra-virgin quality coconut oil is recommended as no other oil has the properties that help loosen the tight foreskin.

The properties being mainly

  1. Lubricant – Extra virgin coconut oil is an incredible lubricant and helps lubricate the foreskin and prepare it for the stress and tension that comes with stretching.
  2. Antifungal – Protects the foreskin from fungal attacks. Fungal infections are quite common in the groin area and extra virgin coconut oil is naturally antifungal.
  3. Anti-inflammatory – Stretching the foreskin causes inflammation and coconut oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Heals the foreskin – The stress and strain caused by stretching the foreskin causes the foreskin to develop cracks and cuts. Without proper lubrication and the absence of a healing agent such as extra virgin coconut oil for phimosis, the foreskin will take a long time to heal and phimosis may never be cured.

Well, there is nothing to worry as coconut oil can serve you perfectly to loosen your tight foreskin through stretching exercises or phimosis rings. Applying coconut oil to the glans before starting stretching exercises helps massage and soften it. In this way, the foreskin becomes easier to retract.

Better, coconut oil for phimosis helps maintain a healthy biome in people dealing with phimosis and prevent fungal infections. Keep in mind that treating fungal infections can also be the perfect cure option for phimosis. However, things tend to be different if you already have fungal or bacterial infections, as it is better to use strong creams with antifungal properties.

Regardless, there is nothing wrong in using extra virgin coconut oil for phimosis in treating this medical condition. So, what are you waiting for before you can finally give it a try while searching for the best cure for phimosis!

In addition to the above, the use of a phimosis cream can be a catalyst in the process of loosening the foreskin. It comes free with the Foreskin Stretching Kit which contains 20 phimosis rings, a ring removal tool, Fore-stretch phimosis cream and a user guide.

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